
Leadership Coaching: How Diversity Can Transform Your Team

23/05/2023 - From 19h30
Registration mandatory

Teamfullness is a leadership coaching organisation with a difference; inspired by professional sports, founder Nicolas Meeùs invites you to view differences and diversity as a source of strength by identifying key roles and positioning.

Whether you have decades of experience in team management, or are just starting this journey, this interactive workshop reframes leadership coaching by encouraging peer-to-peer learning and critical feeling.

Key discussion points:

  • What are the types of diversity I may face as a leader?
  • What are the main factors in the development of each of these diversities ?
  • How do these diversities relate to each other? Are they allies or opponents?
  • How can a leader act as a catalyst for the forces at play?
We will explore this dimension of team enhancement together in an interactive and soul-to-soul exchange. This event will allow you to leave with a concrete tool inspired by examples from inspiring leaders and Nicolas' own experiences in sports and organisations.

With a background in law and management, Nicolas Meeùs is a former Belgian international rugby player of the Black Devils (2009-2017), with whom he participated in two historic ascents and the maintenance in the 6 Nations B. He played against top 20 nations such as Georgia, Romania, Portugal and Canada.

Throughout his playing career, he combined his academic and professional life with his passion for rugby. He was a player, leader, and captain of the first team of Royal Kituro RC, with whom he became Belgian champion in 2009, 2011, and 2015 before hanging up his boots in November 2021.

After two years as secretary general of the Belgian federation (2017-2019), he decided to devote himself fully to what he is passionate about: human coaching. He founded Teamfullness in August 2018 and was joined in November 2020 by Jill Boon, former captain of the Red Panthers, in the adventure. Both share a common passion: supporting and growing individuals and teams with whom they build a mutual trust relationship, whether in organisations or in the sports world.

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