Membership Guidelines

Welcome to The Nine! We are a community that believes in being authentic, curious, and uplifting. Our members are keen to learn new skills and gain knowledge, as well as develop both personal and professional connections. We rely on our Members to act in the interest of our community, and to ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued.

The guidelines here below reflect our values and actions, and we ask all Members to abide by them at all times. Thank you for being an active part of The Nine.

  1. General Rules
    1. The Rules shall be applicable to all Members and as appropriate to Members’ guests.
    2. These Rules may be revoked, supplemented, or altered at any time by the Management. Any such changes shall be communicated to Members.

  2. Who We Are
    1. “The Club” refers to The Nine SRL, having its registered office located at Rue Archimède 69, 1000 Brussels, and registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0733.756.597. The Club premises are located at Rue Archimède 69, 1000 Brussels.
    2. The “Management” is defined as the CEO (administrateur-délégué /gedelegeerd bestuurder) and Club manager.
    3. The “Advisory Board” refers to the members of the board who are asked to serve voluntarily on a two-year rolling basis by the CEO. The Advisory Board is a strategic body that shapes the direction and growth of the Club. The Advisory Board meets twice a year, with the exception of disciplinary procedures, as outlined in Section 7.

  3. Membership Criteria and Process
    1. Application to The Nine does not infer acceptance. All applications are reviewed and approved by the Management according to the membership guidelines.
    2. All candidates must be 18 years of age at the time of application.
    3. Applications for membership will be made via the online form; while a valid form of identification may be required to verify membership and eligibility.
    4. The Management may request accompanying documents to compliment the online membership form.
    5. Members whose applications are accepted on or before their 35th birthday are eligible for ‘Young Member’ (Under-35) membership rate.
    6. Members who are employed by a non-governmental organisation or non-profit organisation are eligible for the ‘NGO/Non-profit’ membership rate.
    7. The Management shall have sole discretion as to who shall become a Member of the Club and shall have the right to refuse any application for membership for any reason without giving any explanation.
    8. A successful candidate will be notified of their acceptance as Member of the Club, and shall thereafter be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of such membership. 
    9. Members will be issued with a membership card, which shall remain the property of the Club and can only be used during an active membership.
    10. A €15 administration charge will apply for the replacement of a membership card and Members must notify the Management as soon as possible when a membership card is lost or stolen.
    11. Any intentional falsehood relating to the candidate’s application may render membership void at the discretion of the Management.
    12. Members have the right to propose potential candidates for the Management’s consideration. Referred candidates must go through the outlined application process and are not guaranteed acceptance.
    13. In compliance with GDPR, a list of all Members of the Club must be kept on file and produced on demand for inspection by the relevant authorities. By accepting membership, all Members agree to the Club Privacy
    14. Save when the Club is being used for a Private Event, Members have priority entry for themselves and their guests.

  4. Member Conduct
    1. Our Members come from all backgrounds and nationalities. Respect different opinions and life experiences.
    2. In the dedicated co-working and meeting spaces, we require Members to exhibit professional behaviour and courtesy towards others.
    3. We ask all Members to be considerate of others when taking photographs or videos inside the Club.
    4. We provide allocated spaces for nursing mothers during working hours. Baby-changing facilities are also available at all times.
    5. All property brought into the Club by any Member or their guest shall be at the sole risk of the owner. The Management and staff shall not be liable for any loss or damage.
    6. The Club operates a zero-tolerance policy on drugs. Any Member found in possession or under the influence of illegal drugs shall be immediately expelled.
    7. We will not tolerate any form of violent or aggressive behaviour between Members, guests and towards staff. Any such behaviour shall result in a disciplinary review by the Advisory Board.
    8. Members are ultimately responsible for their own conduct as well as their guests. We will take any complaints made against a Member or their guest extremely seriously, and they shall be subject to a disciplinary review, as decided by the Advisory Board.
    9. Any Member infringing these Rules may be asked to leave the Club premises immediately.

  5. Fees
    1. The Nine’s fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31. Annual membership fees are collected before January 31 each year.
    2. As of February 1, and unless in the case of prior communication and agreement with the Management, membership will be subject to a late fee of 200€.
    3. If no payment is received by February 15, membership shall be considered void. Re-admission is then subject to the full application process.
    4. All new members are subject to a one-off initiation fee in addition to annual membership.
    5. Annual membership is calculated on a monthly pro-rata basis. VAT is not included in the membership rate and will be added at the time of invoice.
    6. Memberships that start after September 1, are pro-rated for the ongoing year in addition to the membership fee for the following year.
    7. In the case of a fee change, the Management shall communicate this to all Members no later than three months in advance. 
    8. Annual membership fees are due in full via bank transfer. For Young Members only, there is an option to make two biannual payments (i.e. a payment every six months).
    9. Following confirmation of Membership and payment of membership fees, Members have 14 calendar days during which they may withdraw their application without incurring any cost ("cooling-off period"). During the cooling-off period and following written confirmation of withdrawal of Membership, the Member will be entitled to the return of their fees.
      Should there be any use of the benefits and privileges conferred to the Members during the cooling-off period, the Management may reserve the right to retain a portion of the subscription fee paid on a pro rata basis (i.e. from the activation of the subscription to the day of cancellation, including any registration fees).
      Shall there be no used of the benefits and privileges during the cooling-off period, the Management will reimburse the fees in full.
    10. There is no refund on cancelled or revoked membership after the cooling-off period.
    11. The initiation and annual membership fees are ultimately at the discretion of the Management.

  6. Guests
    1. Members may invite up to three guests at any one time. Guests must be aged 18 years or older at the time of entry, unless otherwise specified or at the discretion of the Management.
    2. Members may request additional guests in addition to the permitted three guests, and their entry will be at the discretion of the Club.
    3. Guests must sign and write their name in the guestbook upon entry. Guests will be made aware of the Club Privacy Policy and CCTV Policy.
    4. Guests are subject to the same Member conduct, as outlined above.
    5. The Management reserves the right to admit non-Members as guests up to the legal capacity.
    6. The following people may not be admitted as guests to the Club:
      1. Former Members who have been expelled
      2. Members who are under suspension
      3. Members with outstanding membership fees

  7. Disciplinary Procedures
    1. All violations of Member Conduct are subject to a disciplinary review. These reviews are carried by the Advisory Board as well as the CEO. 
    2. The alleged misconduct shall be inquired into and the person involved shall be given the opportunity to defend themselves to the Advisory Board.
    3. If the CEO, in consultation with the Advisory Board, is of the opinion that the Member has committed a violation of the Rules, membership shall be suspended for a specific period of time or terminated immediately.
    4. The Management will communicate any such decisions in writing within 30 days. Membership and access to the Club premises is suspended until such time.
    5. The following (non-exhaustive) list of behaviour or offences will lead to the immediate expulsion of a Member from the Club premises and may lead to suspension or termination of their Membership:
      1. Violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour
      2. Sexual, racial or any other form of discrimination, harassment or bullying towards any other Member, guest or employee of the Club
      3. Rude or aggressive language to a Member, guest or an employee of the Club
      4. Possession of illegal drugs
      5. Insubordination under the influence of alcohol
      6. Deliberate damage to Club property
      7. Illegal gaming or betting in the Club
      8. Any action likely to bring the Club into disrepute
    6. The Management reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to terminate the membership of a Member at any time.

  8. Risks and liability
    1. Use of our facilities is at your own risk.
    2. We are not liable for any property damage or consequential damages as a result of an accident or injury to you at our premises, except for personal injury caused by the actions or omissions of the Club.

  9. Personal Data
    1. For the performance of your membership, we collect and dispose of some of your personal data. The Club processes your personal data in an appropriate and careful manner, all within the framework of the applicable law and regulations on personal data protection, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    2. In this regard, The Club Privacy Policy lists what data we process, for what purposes we do so, and how we process personal data. Furthermore, the declaration explains how interested parties can exercise their rights regarding the processing of their personal data. You can find the Privacy Policy of the Club on our website.
    3. To maintain the safety of people and property in and around our clubs, we use video and audio surveillance devices to observe some of The Club’s area. Video and audio surveillance is limited to the bar, restaurant, and staircases, and is not present in the restrooms, showers, and locker rooms.

  10. Governing law and choice of forum
    1. These Rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium, without any reference to its conflict of law principles.
    2. The Parties shall attempt to settle amicably any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Agreement. In the absence of an amicable agreement between the Parties, any dispute arising out of or in connection with the validity, interpretation, performance, or termination of the Agreement shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French-speaking courts of Brussels.

Our Partners

With the support and collaboration of:

Degroof Petercam
Veuve Clicquot
Chandon Spritz