
Qoya Feminine Movement Class

18/07/2023 - From 19h00
Registration mandatory

NEW to Belgium! An exclusive Qoya class in the intimacy of the clubhouse

Qoya is a body-wisdom movement practice for women.

Qoya moves you out of your head & into your body, and offers you a form of movement & exercise grounded in your soul.

It is a practice based on the idea that through movement, we remember.

We remember our essence is wise, wild and free. Wise: calling on the wisdom of yoga. Wild: the creative expression in dance. Free: expanding our capacity to enjoy being in our bodies through feminine movement.

When we move in a way that pleases us, we feel better.

Remember the time you went dancing, how well you slept. And then the next day, inspired by the embodied experience you had, you may be more likely to continue making choices that nourish your body, mind, heart and soul.

Qoya invites new ways of being to be expressed as a woman in her life.

Ways we can build our strength: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Ways we can be flexible: not only in our hamstrings, but in the flow of our day.

Ways we can be agile: like a child who falls down and gets right back up.

Ways we can savor: an exhale that takes us into a hip circle of remembering the gift of being a woman.

Ways we can love and honour: what is — as it is — and still dare to dream bigger dreams.

Ways we can say yes!

There are no levels in Qoya and no way to do it wrong;

The way you know you're doing it right is when it feels GOOD FOR you.

In Qoya, you don’t struggle; you flow, feel alive as you could dance for hours. It feels like ultimate freedom combined with so much joy.


Yoga mat

Bottle of water

Comfortable clothes that are good for moving & stretching


"In the spiritual movement of Qoya, I express myself as wise, wild, and free. What can be more joyous or more radiant?"

Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity and Ted Speaker

"Qoya has been a spectacular experience of discovering freedom and joy in my body while being supported by a powerful sisterhood. Qoya is not just fun; it’s healing. This practice has helped me create movement with meaning. It also aligns with some of my highest values—accessing my body’s innate wisdom, variety and fun as I learn, connecting to the sacredness of sisterhood, and honoring true authenticity—what’s real for me in the moment."

—Neha Sangwan, M.D., is the CEO and founder of Intuitive Intelligence, author of TalkRx, and speaker

Looking forward to dance with you!

(No dance or yoga experience needed)


After a traumatic experience, Katie healed herself a lot through practicing Qoya. She became a passionate Qoya Teacher in 2019.

In her work as an Expat Coach, Katie guides expats from being stuck in their life abroad to reconnecting with themselves so they can build a work and life at their terms; wherever they are. In Belgium, she is also a Career Coach, helping people find their genius and align their career to it so they can find the flow they are looking for.

For more info:


The class takes place in the garden of The Nine – weather permitting – shaded by the umbrellas. Members & guests are asked to bring a yoga mat.

The class lasts 2 hours | 15 spaces available

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Degroof Petercam
Veuve Clicquot
Chandon Spritz