
Intersectional Women: Dealing with Workplace Microaggressions

20/09/2023 - From 19h30
Registration mandatory

Do you know what a microaggression is?

And, if you encountered one, what tools would you use to address it?

Join us for an evening of lively discussion and learning at this event, the first in a new diversity, equity & inclusion series: Intersectional Women. We’ll explore hands-on how to identify and combat microaggressions, with actionable insights and tools you can use in your professional (and personal) life. 

Intersectional Women explores the fact that while gender unites us, understanding how our differences result in diverse lived experiences is key to achieving true inclusion and equality for all women. The events bring intersectionality to life and dive under the hood, putting spotlight on workplace experience, urban planning, neurodiversity, accessibility, and more. 

“If you don't have a lens that's been trained to look at how various forms of discrimination come together, you're unlikely to develop a set of policies that will be as inclusive as they need to be.” (Kimberlé Crenshaw)


  • Christine Reinders, sharing original, evidence-based research into stereotypes and biases East Asian women face in the corporate world

  • Delia Mensitieri, giving insight into her PhD research on the impact of microaggressions in the workplace and their role as a barrier to inclusion

The evening will be moderated by Tamara Makoni, inclusion specialist and CEO of Kazuri Consulting, who will share experiences from her work with corporate clients.

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