
Discovery Workshop: Awaken Your Inner Changemaker

05/10/2023 - From 19h30 - Public

Postponed. The new date will be published shortly.

You have a few good ideas. Or maybe just one really good one. It will impact your line of business, the world, the people around you.

You are planning or heading a project. And you are working on it, either formally or informally (because it is so important to you!). Or you just feel an itch … that something is off. That you could be working on something bigger, something that can have a real IMPACT.

And you wonder … how can I increase my IMPACT and truly make a difference?

It is not like you are going to win a nobel prize for it (probably) and other people have come up with the same idea … Also, there are all the other things that demand your attention. Still … you want to embrace your idea (maybe you can call it your purpose?) and you just feel that you could increase your power to lead for this positive change.

Maybe you already started and hit some walls, or you are stuck and are looking for a way to move forward. Either way, you feel it is time to raise your executive presence and make this positive change happen!

If so, then let’s awaken your inner changemaker together!

We have invited member Irene Janssen to lead this event. Irene is a strategic communication advisor & leadership coach who helps leaders to be visible with their authentic story to create a movement for positive change. With her 3P method: PURPOSE, POWER and PLAY she has helped thousands of leaders across the world achieve their goals.

After joining this workshop, you will walk away with a better understanding of the 4 phases of change that you will encounter when leading for change. You will connect with your inner changemaker through the Changemaker Awakening exercise. Also, with some fun and playful exercises you will get a better understanding of how you can raise your executive presence and lead with purpose.

As part of this offer, we will send you a few questions ahead of the event so that Irene can tailor the event to your needs and we can make sure you get the best out of this experience.

Click here to register to this event

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Degroof Petercam
Veuve Clicquot
Chandon Spritz